Change Log

Please note that the change log covers all changes, including beta features. To enjoy all that Spike has to offer, be sure to buy a license. :)

Spike 1.2.0

Build 171 - March 15, 2019

New Features:
  • Addition of proxy server toggle in status menu
  • Preferences window accessibility (dock icon / ⌘-tab)
  • Status menu item for quick access system proxy settings
General Improvements:
  • Additional validation of rules
  • macOS Mojave / dark mode enabled

Spike 1.1.0

Build 149 - March 6, 2018

General Improvements:
  • Converted Launcher to Objective-C to reduce application size
    • Approximately 30% reduction in filesize

Spike 1.1.0

Build 148 - February 26, 2018

New Features:
  • Addition of proxy port use in status menu
General Improvements:
  • Additional validation of rules

Spike 1.1.0

Build 132 - December 12, 2017

New Features:
  • Always rule list
    • Access regardless of reject or bypass rules
  • Install beta releases (optionally)
  • Release notes are viewable in preferences
General Improvements:
  • Additional validation of corporate proxy configuration
  • Preference changes are immediate (no longer require changing tabs)

Spike 1.0.0

Build 88 - January 26, 2017

New Features:
  • Initial public release